Thursday, August 11, 2005

A fashion portal

Funny, sometimes the Internet works as advertised.

Yesterday, I’m killing time, reading Marginal Revolution, when I happen upon this (a marriage proposal executed via intricacies of blogging software), akin to the guys who ask via Jumbotron. Dopey, yes, but the object of his affection—an apparel industry pattern maker and author of The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Sewn Product Manufacturing—runs Fashion-Incubator, a site that, apparantly, is a very interesting nexus amidst the fashion web. Take, for instance, this image, one that immediately caught my eye:

Galliano pattern puzzle
The pattern, and… the result.

It’s a “pattern puzzle” by John Galliano—striking, no?—found on SHOWStudio,

…an online project committed to showing the process of creativity. Throughout its first four years, SHOWstudio has consistently broken new ground in pioneering new forms of interactive and motion imagery at its London studio and broadcasting these unique art and fashion collaborations via its award-winning website. Providing a ‘view from within’ the industry, its aim is to unpack every aspect of fashion image-making, from the generation of ideas and production stages through to the problem solving and minutiae of executing the final images.

The minisite for the puzzle has the pattern (for a “pirate jacket”); a discussion of the garment (“Unfurled,” an essay by Jane Audas); a gallery for realizations of the puzzle, submitted by users; and references. Impressive. (You’ll want to check out the projects—the current, “open” ones are here—and there’s a forum page, too.)

Pinar Yolacan 'Perishables'
Untitled, Pinar Yolacan,
from “Perishables” (2004)

And then, to the archives: in July 2005, scroll down to 21 July to read about “Pinar’s Portfolio,” the beginning of a trail that will lead one to the very interesting work (some of which I had seen reviewed in winter issue of Bidoun) of Pinar Yolacan, a Turkish artist educated at Cooper Union and in London. (The photo at left is from a series where the subjects were dressed in garments made from animal flesh: tripe, cow stomach, chicken skin, and lamb testicles—but if you continue to follow the links, you’ll find suits with cauliflower epaulets, embroidered pumpkins, and other marvels.)

Anyhow, there’s plenty to chew on in the vicinity: sometimes, one website can make all the difference.


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